Friday, August 7

my mini cow

my mama's birthday
Originally uploaded by anniehuntington
On Tuesday, I entered my 49th year, celebrating my 48th birthday. I'd asked for a mini-cow for the backyard. Thom knows me better than I know myself though and gave me a Kindle instead and put the mini cow to graze on my birthday cake. He is a wise, wise man.


K. A. Ruth Bushaw said...

cute. been bouncing this little post around in my head all day. cutest mini love story ever.

kibbe said...

Kyrie, You're a cute little love story!

Anonymous said...

You and Hayley are so alike. She, who admires animals from afar, spent months trying to convince us how wonderful a mini cow grazing by the river would be. (With no thought to how my neighbors would fell).
I decided to look up a "mini" cow-they weigh 400lbs!

linnea said...

I didn't know there were such things as mini cows! Now I know!

p.s. I like to think that I will turn out like you :-) Whenever I talk with you, or read your posts or go to your house I can't help thinking that you remind me of an older, smarter, fine tuned version of myself. I hope I'm half as cool as you!

kibbe said...

Oh Linnea! The honor and the pressure...I'm sure I should never write another post or open my mouth to speak so I don't one day disappoint you! (And my post today just may have done's a little "out there") I sure do love you though and do think truly and often that if I could go back in time I'd have my act together and be just as poised, loving and selfless as you and your sister both!