Wednesday, April 14

thinning seedlings

I just stood at my kitchen sink thinning seedlings from pots of herbs I've started that sit on my windowsill. It was very difficult. I felt like a murderer. I felt like the surviving seedlings were tilting towards me with an accusatory look. Which led me to wondering, "How on earth do people make decisions on selective abortion"?
How could a mother look at a womb-full of babies and say keep that one but expel this one?
Just wondering...


grey rose (they/them) said...

agreed, kate!!

Sue said...

Did you read Hannah's blog with the link to the editorial about the "selective reduction" that went "wrong" when the doc aborted the healthy twin instead of the one with Down syndrome? Ugh! Don't get me started....thank Jesus for people like the Fears who stand strong for right in a world that celebrates--or at least complacently ignores--wrong!

kibbe said...

Oh my gosh, Sue! No ! I'm on my way out the door but will check it out as soon as I get home tonight....

faith said...

I will take the extra herbs. I will adopt them into my home. :)

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