Monday, April 7

Good Mornings

My favorite time of each day is morning. The dog usually pads into my room about 7 and gives a lttle whine to be let out and fed. My first words in my head are usually, "idiot dog" I push the covers back and shift my weight to an upright position. The words are just habit at this point. In the beginning they were said out of frustration because I couldn't see why he woke me up instead of going down with Thom at 5:30 or 6 and being cared for by him. (thereby letting me sleep another half hour or so, I'm lazy)

But, I realize that I treasure this morning time. I open the back door for Eli, then switch the gas fireplace on to take the chill of the room before scooping kibbles into the dog's bowl. Coffee is started and I clear up glasses from the living room and pull open curtains while it's brewing. I wipe any crumbs off the counter and table and tidy things up happily. Emma comes down and we have time together before she takes off for school. (it's good to have drivers in my girls. I no longer need to dress and drive her across town to school)

The radio is my background noise and I get the news of the world as I sweep the kitchen floor. What a life! This is my time with God now. Its changed throughout the years and I've no doubt it will change again. The seasons of life working the way they do:)....But how priviledged am I to not have to go milk cows and muck out barns and throw slop to pigs? Maybe that's not a good example because I''m sure if that was my lot I could find time in that to appreciate God as well. I think a better example would be, how priviledged that I don't have to send myself or my children off to the streets to beg or sell themselves to survive for another day....

I love my life and am thankful that the Lord has given me eyes to see what a gift my lot is. How does your day start?


Anonymous said...

I laughed at "idiot dog". Mine was "dumb dog" for our old Cedar. Flossie has been kennel trained so I have to get her up-and, on the days Bill is home, I have great pleasure letting her into the bedroom to run like a herd of horses, take a huge leap, and land with all squirmy puppy-ness and squeals onto Bill's head-who is like a little boy with his puppy!

Anonymous said...

I had to make this two comments since I digressed in the other one. I, too, so appreciate the quiet routine of the morning. Zombie-like starting the coffee and feeding the "zoo" and just enjoying the peace of the morning.

kibbe said...

riverrat, that's quite a picture of Flossie running and landing on Bill's head! :)
If I let Eli do that there would be spinal cord injury...he's up to about 150 pounds....

anna grace said...

Each morning is normally different for me. I prefer morning over night. There's light, a beginning, and a new day ahead.

Lynne said...

I am thankful that God set boundaries for night and day. Sleep reminds us of our frailty as creatures, and daylight reminds us that his grace is new every morning.

Not naturally a morning person, though I've managed to marry one. My dad's greeting to Shorty: "Hey there, Useless."