Tuesday, April 29

major decisions

After many hours of inner turmoil and debate and yes, prayer, I have come to a monumental personal decision. I am only keeping the shop open 3 days a week. It will be closed the other 4. Amazing how once a decision is concretely made, that one can truly feel as though a boulder has been lifted off the shoulders. The weight of a burden is a true weight. So now the shop will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with Janna working most Thursdays (she'll be going home to London for three weeks during May) . The juggling of shopkeeper and homeschool mom was not working well for me. I want to look back through time and know that I spent my quality time with my kids. I already feel like my house is cleaner and can imagine the weight dripping off my hips at all the free time I'll have to simply take walks with Jedd and the dog. (I'm not fooling myself into thinking because my schedule is lighter that the twins will suddenly find many hours of free time in their days to join us regularly)
I continue to invest money into stocking up on toilet paper, shampoos, soap, laundry detergent etc. These things will not be going down in prices and will not go bad. I feel like it truly is a business investment. We could put our dollars into cd's (bank, not music)that will give us a payback of less than 2% in 6 months or a year. Or put our dollars into products that will most assuredly be rising even further in cost than they already have. By 10, 20, 30% or higher. I, even in my humble little brain, see a better payback on inventory for the home. If you're not already partaking in this happy little mindset, you might want to consider it.....the next time you shop, really think about how much the same things you're buying cost a year ago. What are you paying now? What could the drawback be to this? Even the Wall Street Jouranl came out this week with the same suggestion for the same reasons....and at the same time we are preparing our homes for the future, aren't we stimulating the economy? I would really welcome your comments on whether or not you also are putting by a bit extra in the cupboards.....if not, are you thinking those of us who are are being extreme or is there just no extra cash available...I'm really curious as to where others stand on this. Oh, I'm not talking about running out and loading up on warehouse size bags of rice by the way(unless your family are large rice eaters)....although I confess I bought a 32 ounce bag and stuck it away. But I have stocked condensed milk ( which I use a ton of in macaroni and cheese) and powdered milk for bread making and because if milk goes up any more I' m going to start cutting my milk gallons out with it to make it stretch more. Annie and Jedd are milk junkies. And I always load up on flour and sugar since as you've read in past blogs we are baking fools in this house. King Arthur Flour company has free shipping till the end of April so you may want to take advantage....


Lynne said...

I don't think it's ever unwise to stock up on nonperishables. They don't go bad, and you will eventually use them anyway. I just remember all the Y2K mania and people buying all this weird food that they would not consume. My mom bought Spam, for heaven's sake - something she would NEVER eat. My dad would just shake his head...

ukrainiac said...

It sounds like a wise investment to me, kibbe. Makes me think we should be doing the same thing over here. Prices are going CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

Just cleared off some shelves in the garage for extra paper products. (Mostly 'cuz the pantry has too many cookbooks taking up valuable space:-)

I confess that I am not a very thrifty shopper. I will save a few bucks at the grocery store and then eat Panera for lunch!
But I think having some extra food on hand is always wise.(I noticed that Walmart has some of the organic or whole grain things we like at MUCH cheaper prices so I stock up there since I don't like going to WMart too often-did I mention this previously)?
Ha! I've noticed that all the WHITE rice has disappeared but we've been eating BROWN rice for a while now-no one else seems to like it and it is still on the shelves!

MARIANNA-Now you know what to do with your extra bedrooms-make them into pantries!

Anonymous said...

And limiting your store hours-good idea! Stores will always be there, children will not.

kibbe said...

I loved spam in spaghetti when i was little. My friend's mom used to make it all the time.

Ukrainiac, it is truly nutty here as well. Every time I go into the store my jaw drops. Fill those extra bedrooms:)

Riverrat, I do the same thing, shop and save then eat lunch out. BUT...that's better than not saving pennies and eating out...

Sue said...

i'm so glad you're back! i agree with my friend, spend that precious time with your precious children--what does that bumper sticker on the back of your van say? it's a great one :>) as for stocking up, i wish i were more organized...i always seem to have extra of everything, too much, and then all of a sudden it is gone...(toilet paper especially; not to be crude but hubby is always amazed at how we go thru it, having 5 women in the house....he doesn't get it) oh,and he saves by buying the paper products in DE where he works...

linnea said...

Whew, you ain't kidding! I am always surprised at how little bang I get out of my buck at the grocery store. I think if we didn't live in such a tiny apartment that I would definitely stock up on non-perishables!

When I used to live the luxurious life of care-free teenager who lives with her parents, I used to waste so much stuff! Use about 10 more squares of toilet paper than I actually needed. Threw away lotion bottles when they wouldn't pump anymore, instead of taking the time to take off the cap.

Just little things like that!

Well now my new philosophy is to use my stuff until it's UN-USUABLE! And I like to try to go as long as I can without grocery shopping.

Anyway, I think it is great that you are feeling good about your decision to keep the shop open 3 days a week. I know your kids will treasure this time...if they are anything like me they will miss their mom SOOOO MUCCHHH once they grow up :-D

Sue said...


kibbe said...

Oh Linnea,,, You are the sweetest!
Sue, I'm with ya...sniff....

ukrainiac said...

Thanks for the new use for our extra bedrooms. Not that they're ever really empty...houseguests come through here quite regularly. BUT, certainly I could use SOME of the space for nonperishables...