Wednesday, November 26

the joy of technology

The thing I appreciate most about computer technology is the ability to get inside my kids minds to a certain degree. I know there are those who think computers actually suck the life out of teenage minds, but it has opened my girls thoughts and humorous sides to my viewing via blogs. I enjoy going over to their blogsites and seeing their worlds through their eyes.Often I am quite happily surprised by what I read. It gives me a view of their days that would otherwise go unknown to me. A little slice of school or what goes on in photo booths to make them laugh.
When I see how people, across the board of all ages, spell in this day and age, it makes me cringe. Humanity has come to accept, seemingly, the letter "U" as a substitute for the word "you". This is not okay. "R" is not an english shortcut for the word"are". I read through comments after online articles, and see adult writings spelled with words like, "your" instead of "you're", and "a" instead of "an" in front of a vowel-fronted word. This is offensive to my eyes. Are they just not checking or are they truly ignorant of the proper spellings and usage? It happens so often. And how about using "effect" when it should be "affect" or vice-versa? Or using "their" or "there" when it should be "they're"? Don't they teach this in school anymore? The list goes on and on....
But...when I see my girls blogs and their friends blogs, it gives me hope! For the most part, they all get it right. I visit my friends blogs and see emotions and opinions that otherwise would pass-by unknown. It gives an opportunity to get back to our writing abilities and stretch our brains a bit. Think about it. As an adult, when would I write for enjoyment normally? In school I always enjoyed writing. Once out of class there seemed no reason aside from the occasional letter.
So here, finally, I find my joy in technology. But I will never program a VCR. Never. Oh, no worries there are there? Aren't they already obsolete? Whew! That was a close one....


ukrainiac said...

You're right. It does stretch our minds -- at least MY little mind -- to actually put in words what we're thinking or seeing or feeling. I remember reading funny little stories that my grandmother wrote -- true-life experiences -- and we are all so thankful that we still have some of her life from HER perspective. Blogging is bringing that back to the mainstream. (Penmanship is still atrocious these days, but at least folks are writing, right?!)

Sue said...

I totally agree!

linnea said...

I am so guilty of this! I hold the firm belief that grammar, capitalization and spelling do NOT hold me captive while I am at the computer. It's just one of the places I let myself relax :-)

myroaring20s said...

Lovely post.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly! I am tickled that the young(and Ag-ed) are writing! Even with the misspellings (and I've been corrected by the computer 4 times already), it is good to see folks get their thoughts out. It does force us to think how we will lay our thoughts down more than just opening the mouth and letting whatever flow out:-)
I'm with Linnea too-though poor grammar can be distracting to the content, it is nice to relax and get the thoughts out!