Monday, August 11

big, fat, hairy toes

I'll start off just stating this thought... Russia worries me. It worries me that they have started bombing Georgian territory in defense of "Russian citizens". These "citizens" were Georgian until they decided to break away from Georgia. Then Russia offered them "russian citizenship". Do you see how that was simply a way to get their big, fat, hairy toes over the territory lines?
Now, maybe it's just my imagination, but isn't that how hitler started out? I believe he stated he was just going over to take what was rightfully Germanys by invading the Sudenland and "taking it" from Czechoslavakia. The Czechs ceded it over to Hitler rather than fight (when told specifically by Chamberlain that England and France would not stand behind them). One year later Hitler had taken over the rest of Czechoslavakia. The rest is history. Is this a repeat of another madman's plan?
In the eighties we backed Afghanistan against Russia in a war that exhausted Russia and left them depleted. That allowed Reagan to help "encourage" Russia to "tear down the wall" and put an end to the cold war. Back then Russia was in debt and desperate for energy sources. Now the roles have reversed. They have a flat tax of 13% which has boost their economy to phenomonal highs. They have planted a flag and claimed the North Pole as russian territory so they can claim any oil that may be there as well as buying up every energy source they can in Europe, Asia and the surrounding seas. There is one oil pipeline through Europe controlled by Russia. They like it that way and are putting out quiet warnings against anyone who may want to buy or sell to the Georgian government who have a secondary pipeline, if I understand this correctly. (And trust me, I may not.)
On the other hand, even though we are rich in natural energy sources our government keeps us dependent on foreign oil, and forbids us to drill widely on our own resources. (Hypocrites). They also tax us into oblivion, turning us into a socialist country. We are on a teeter-totter and right now we are down and Russia is flying high!
I'm not saying I have a clue what the next step should be...but we need to keep our eyes open, because what seems like none of our affairs on the surface, could very well be a repeat of history. I don't believe for minute that Russia cares about peace or being our friends. We are their enemy and Putin wants to see us trounced in the end.
Meanwhile, I'm praying for our friends in the Ukraine. Could they be next in line? Is their freedom at risk?


Sue said...

nothing new under the sun....i am glad God is sovereign because there is so much i don't get about the world and life in is a horrible feeling to be so out of control, though, isn't it? again, i thank God HE knows what's going on! we keep praying and doing the next thing as He leads us, i guess.......on another note, thanks again for the balm and i'll get you the extra dollar (why didn't you correct me?) anyway, it's on its way to PA...glad you're my friend!

kibbe said...

I didn't correct you, because it is no big deal. I DO NOT want another dollar!:)
I'm glad it's on its way. She is going to be so delighted to get a surprise package unexpectedly like that.

ukrainiac said...

Thanks for praying for our Ukrainian friends. As you know, things are escalating and I recently posted that Russia is handing out Russian passports to Ukrainian citizens living in Crimea...they totally have a leaning more towards Russia than the west, so who knows what may come of it all?! (Crimea is where Russia's Black Sea fleet has its port -- and where Yushchenko might NOT let them return after engaging in battle against Georgia).