Monday, May 5

tomatoes and oil paints and Ayn Rand

Jedd and I have just put plants and seeds into the first garden we've ever done together. There is much more work to be done, but it was so exciting. It's good for a kid (and his mom) to feel the dirt between his toes to truly appreciate the veggies that appear on the dinner table.

I've been clearing out the old and sprucing up the yard. The pond has been cleaned out and jedd put together a filter with a little fountain and installed it. Now it gives the impression of a bubbling brook. (It also tends to make us all feel the need for the loo)

I spent an afternoon at the garden shop with Janna picking out new perennials for the shady side of the house. Very exciting. Today, I actually planted one of the seven bought. Usually they sit around in pots till they're dead or dangerously close to death before guilt sets in and I stuff them in a hole. This new streak I'm on is holding staying power so far.

We bought a new battery for the camera so I may be able to actually put some pictures up soon.

Tomorrow is a new session for painting classes. I have no theme picked out to paint yet. Ah well, the right thing will pop up. It always does doesn't it? Yeah, I'm loving my life right now...

The current read is "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. It is time for you to read or re-read this classic which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It is such an appropriate book for this age. I heard today that a new government committee is being formed to discuss profit limits for corporations. !? Yeah, Ayn Rand had this fear 50 years ago.


Anonymous said...

I have purposely stayed out of the flower shops to save money. But I am weakening.

kibbe said...

Oh, I can help you on this one...
Since we must start staying home more due to rising gas prices, we need to smarten up our home environments. The beauty of nature which God created and designed Himself is to be an outreach of our own handiworks. We are meant to plunge our hands deep into the earth and get dirt under our fingernails. To prune back the old and add annuals for refreshment. Thereby, helping us to stay put and bloom where we ourselves are planted!

Sue said...

wow. (i actually spent time friday and saturday with 'dirt between the toes.' i am not a garden person, but i really enjoyed it; i love being outdoors and the rototilled dirt felt so good on my bare feet; we cleaned out our pond, too, and discovered 6 frogs living there and 4 or so gold fish!) thanks be to God for this beautiful time of year