Friday, October 3

It's Friday night and my family is sprawled out on the big, red couch. Thom is in the center with Annie on one side and Jedd and Emma on the other. It started with Thom checking his e-bay sale. (He's selling a telephone booth!?) Kids gravitated towards him and now there is nonstop laughter and groaning as they peruse Youtube together. Right now, it's apparently "french beatboxer", there's been narcoleptic babies, Weird Al Yankovitz doing Nirvana, really bad skateboarders having accidents here in Cambridge, Roly-poly fish-heads ( a classic from my 20's) and people doing the hokey-pokey. It is truly astonishing how much time can so quickly dissappear once engrossed in this mindless exercise. But, I'm really happy right now at the sight and sound of my little huddled family next to me. Although I'm a bit concerned at the now ongoing search for the exploding whale....oh geez...really? Go search this one out for just get sucked into this. The fish category alone can keep you going for hours. Apparently I'm wrong. They're off again. Someone is playing a saw...


Rachel Taylor said...

In my morning routine of making my coffee and feeding the animals(in certain order:-) I also turn on the computer. My thoughts this morning were about this NOT being a part of the morning ritual 10-15 years ago!

The computer has made it's way into our lives like the microwave in our generation, the t.v. in my parent's gen., and the radio in our grandparent's gen.

As with all things that man gets his hands on, it can be used for good or bad. But a family gathered around the computer together is a good thing:-)

Anonymous said...

Comment by Suzanne-NOT Rachel!

K. A. Ruth Bushaw said...

i completely love reading your blog. i love the way you write, think, explain. so engaging.

i wanted to ask you to go to my blog today and help me think of ideas for my little book. for some reason i thought of you as the perfect person for this. have a go!