Saturday, October 25

Midnight Ride

Last night, just past midnight, Annie walked into our bedroom and whispered, "Mom, Jedd wants you to pick him up?" Mother instinct kicks in past the 2 Tylenol P.M. I'd taken an hour or so previously and I swing my legs out of bed. He was staying at some friends out in the country. Not's literally a 12 minute drive.
I know there are those who say, let them tough it out and stay. I''m not one of them and my kids have never abused this fact. Jedd didn't call, he texted his sisters to ask them to get me. Emma,more than half asleep, refused to get out of bed and texted back, "no". (I think that's funny)
When I was little, I would get freaked if I spent the night at someone's house and then wanted to come home. I have always told my kids I would always get them no matter where they were. Whether it was a sleep over or if they were at a party that went wrong and they wanted out...
When I pulled into the long driveway and around the corner, there was his shadowy face in the door. I motioned for him to come, but he motioned back for help with all his stuff. He didn't want to wake the house so he was trying to be very quiet. As I pulled the door closed behind him and we tip-toed to the car I heard a voice from the patio doors. It was Maria, the boys' mother. We re-assured her and she smiled understandingly and wished us well. Once in the car, my boy thanked me repeatedly for picking him up at this late hour. He really doesn't understand that in my mind, this is one of the gifts of parenting. To give "rescue" to a child and let them see in action that we are there for him, even in this tiny way. Our time on that ride home through a dark cloudy night was precious. The huge hug I recieved from him was more than payment. I could have let him "tough it out" and there are times (even at sleepovers) where that is appropriate. But my boy had a different lesson last night. That when I tell him I'll get him, without grumpiness, but with happiness, I mean it and I'll follow through. God is constantly rescuing me from decisions I've made and He has taught me flexibility. What I wanted Jedd to see in this was not simply that I followed through with my word, but that I did it with a smile and a happy heart to see him at that hour. That he wasn't a burden, but a delight to my heart!


Sue said...


Rachel Taylor said...

What a beautiful "Mama" picture and a lovely picture of our Lord:-)

Anonymous said...


anna grace said...

This is a very sweet post.
I enjoyed reading it.

Lynne said...

My mom and I had the same agreement! We had a secret password (chopped liver) that meant I wanted to be picked up right away.

Four on the Shore said...

past 2 Tylenol PMs!!! My mom takes them as well, but somehow she was able to kick it out of her system in the middle of the night when I had a migraine and Mason was crying.

Moms are the BEST!!! I'm so happy to be a part of the club!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Does anyone's mom take her tylenol p.m. with a glass of wine like mine does? My Nana did the same thing-am I destined for this?

kibbe said...

you can break the cycle riverrat! Take your PM with water!

Sienna said...

this one made me cry.. first because i've always wondered why parents get their children when they call and you've given me such profound reason... and second because you tied it into our heavenly father and helped me remember, in this particular time when i feel lonely, that he is my comfort, my protector, my rescuer and everything else i need. thank you...