Tuesday, December 11

Burnt Fingers and Aching Backs or The Joys of Christmas Preparations

I have spent the last half hour wrapping gifts. It must be done craftily (by that I mean sneakily,not martha stewart style) obviously, with an 11 year old bursting with curiosity lurking in the corners. He is the most unusual kid in that he will sleep like a teenager...till 10 if I let him go. When I was his age I was up early looking for peep frogs outdoors or whatever. So, this is my time to wrap. I bring it all down to the kitchen table and spread out, after Emma leaves for school and before the other two awake.
I was at a get-together last night for the women merchants of downtown Cambridge and the hostess was surprised when I told her I used to have it all wrapped by Thanksgiving night. There were a few years there when the kids were little when Thom and Damien would take the kids to the movies on Thanksgiving night and I would stay home and wrap to my heart's content and my back's despair. My hostess said she always waited till Christmas Eve to wrap all the gifts and decorate the tree. HUH! Talk about putting some pressure on one's self! I would be the ghastliest human on earth that night if I did that!
Right now I think the pressure is too great on Jedd as it is. He's wondering where the gifts are hidden this year. I did change the location. How does he know? Has he been peeking when Emma is at school and Thom, Annie and I are all at work? There aren't many times he's totally alone, but there are enough to cause great temptation at this time of year!:)
Tonight I need to bake 13 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange tomorrow night. I always enjoy it while I'm there, but I'm always dreading it this night before. If anyone has a really easy recipe to roll out 100 balls per tray and bake for three minutes or less, I'll pay big bucks if you'll share it by 5 p.m. tonight!
Dear Father in Heaven, please give me wisdom and guidance throughout this day and an extra measure of calm about this baking business tonight I plead....


Sue said...

The similarities between us/our lives is uncanny at times; when I read your blogs, it is like what I have been thinking or doing just before! Very strange...I relate to the back aching wrapping, the must be done sneakily, definitely not Martha style, the 11 year old under pressure (Hope lurks by our bedroom door which has a 1 1/2 inch crack that can be peered under while I wrap on our floor (ow) and says 'Oh, I see something! I see red, whose is that? it's big, whose is that? etc..'), baking cookies (liking it and not at the same time but enjoying them afterward!) (my back aches then, too, especially the rolled and decorated ones)...anyway, I'm so glad you're my friend and sister; praying for you!

kibbe said...

I am smiling widely at your comment Sue! The thought of Hope peeking under the door is priceless:)