Monday, September 17

Meandering Mondays

I love Mondays. The store is closed and I can meander around my house, catching up on little chores (I tend to ignore the big chores), planning a trip to the market, etc.
~Emma has already left for school. I've nudged Jedd awake (while his alarm is already being steadfastly ignored while it beeps 6 inches from his ear), put in my 2nd load of laundry and hung some of Thom's shirts. A sink full of dishes has been washed and put away (we don't usually wash on Sundays, I know we're disgusting, but who wants to argue over whose turn it is on Sunday!)
~ As I'm putting away books this morning I read one as I walk to the bookshelves," The Unprocessed Child", and find this lovely quote by Sue Monk Kidd which I want to share.
" I hope you'll hear what I'm about to tell you. I hope you hear it down to your toes. When you're waiting, you're not doing nothing. You're doing the most important thing there is. You're allowing your soul to grow up. If you can't be still and wait, you can't become what God created you to be."
The next time I'm urging one of the kids to sign up for something I think might be good for them, but which they have no interest in, I need to remember this. I actually have three kids who don't require me to fill up their social calenders and days with activities. They are very content and independent. If they're bored they pick up a book.
~I think as parents we need to be very careful we leave time for children to learn to sit and wait. I love to daydream....I'm fascinated by the subjects my mind meanders to and from and the unlikely connection of thoughts that occur:) I wantAnnie, Emma and Jedd to have that time as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guilty. Tried to fill up my homeschooled kids days with "fluff and nutter". All those "good opportunities"-but, thankfully,we weeded out the unneedful ones and quickly learned what "fit" for each kid.