Saturday, September 1

Christmas in September

Last year I ordered Christmas things in August to be delivered to the store in mid-October. When October came and went I called companies looking for my stuff. I was surprised to find they hadn't held it for delivery...they'd sold it to others who could take immediate delivery. hunh! So, a little wiser this year, I requested immediate delivery when ordering at the NYC show. It has arrived. Those of you who've been to my shop know there is NO storage. So I discreetly put out vintage styled houses covered in 50's glitter, up high on shelves and hid the glitter covered pastel reindeer behind them so they couldn't be seen. Glass ornaments went into cubbies deep in the recesses so as not to offend anyone by their early appearance.
Today, this first Saturday of September, people found, dug out and bought 3 of the 5 houses, 2 of the 4 reindeer, 1 of the 6 ornaments. I'm no longer feeling guilty. They're asking when more selection is arriving...
Also one glittered halloween card and 2 cast iron scaredy cats of fright.
I'm not complaining, mind you...I'm smiling widely:)


Jeanne said...

I love Christmas stuff ANYtime!

I'll have the update and picture/s of Kolya soon... On my way to catch a train to Odessa for a week of studies of Biblical Counseling.

kibbe said...

Just think...this year you'll be a christmas bride!:)

ukrainiac said...

I find it interesting that we both posted Christmasy themes so early in September! Great minds...