Saturday, October 20

dog, coffee press and dry land

There's no hope of a lie-in on a Saturday morning when your 136 lb. beast-dog needs an outing and food. For some reason Eli thinks that I am the only one qualified to let him out in the morning. Even if everyone else is awake and I'm not. At first i found this sweet and endearing. Not so much anymore. Oh well, the older I get, the more it hurts my bones to laze the day away anyway.

Last week these wonderful ceramic french presses came into the shop. In three colors. I'm pressing my coffee now and it is so easy. No waiting while I pour it over my Melitta filter; in fact no filters. I've rotated to the pyrex version of these over the years, but these are much prettier. I don't have room on my counter to leave a traditional coffee maker out since my cupboards are so low. I now have a ridiculous amount of options. The melitta filters that sit atop your mug (which Damien Howard got me hooked on about 16 years ago) which make a great cup of joe! but sometimes I'm impatient with the pouring. I'll bring out my percolator if I'm having a few people over, but that is way to much hassle for everyday.. Somewhere in the recesses of a storage closet I keep an electric auto-drip. Couldn't find it the last time I actually needed it. In fact if you're ever over and a party starts and we need it, remind me I think it's over the microwave right now. Maybe it'll still be there then. So now, the french press. Pour the water in, wait a minute or two, press, drink. Rinse out pot and press filter when done and store in corner till next coffee break.
~Jedd is off to Hershey Park with family friends today. Annie and Emma are going to a scavenger hunt at church with the youth group later this afternoon and evening. Thom is playing music in Easton somewhere today. ( I am a caring wife, I just don't always hear the "where's" of his music locations when it's a private gig and doesn't involve my attending.)
~I'm off to open the store this morning and then tonite to a 4 hour cruise down the choptank with a blues band playing for a fund-raiser which benefits the Patch Adams Gesundheit clinic. (think Robin Williams movie) Doesn't that sound horrible...( not the clinic, the boat trip)trapped on a boat for 4 hours with a band that has the potential to get very loud with no possible escape!? Thom has bought a ticket in support, but won't step foot on the boat. (can't blame him) I feel I must go since it's my friend who's organizing the event and I sold tickets for her through the store. How can I encourage others to go and not go myself? Really! How? If you come up with a valid way I'm staying on land!
~Lord, please be with my family as they go their separate ways today in travel. Please help Kathleen's fundraiser be a success in everyway. And thankyou for all your mercies and kindnesses you show us.


Anonymous said...

Kate-you are amazing! You put in words all my thoughts!I LOVE your posts!
I must comment on the college post: AMEN! I am in total agreement! We told our kids that college is not for all and if they were not designed to go we would explore other options. BUT so far, this is the direction we are going. Each have had different experiences and I am still taking it all in. The word is out how it will play out in their lives. Yes, the money is ridiculous and I don't have an answer for it. I am just trusting that the Lord will see us ALL through as we pay down school loans(as He did with my hubbie's). *I am convinced that the kids need to be prepared for some kind of work that will PROVIDE for them(and theirs).

Anonymous said...

On dogs: Being a cat-person, we have another dog in the home that seems to look to ME for her "needs". Rachel has been excellent with her puppy BUT she may not be here in a couple of years, and Bill is at work all day. Guess who gets the dog?:-O (She is a nice one, though).
On coffee: When we visited Ben in ND last year, he made coffee for me everyday in a French Press. WOW! YUMMY! But I haven't purchased one yet. My husband has given up coffee(you saw my Prevacid post) so I really can't justify my coffee maker on the counter either. I think we paid a pretty penny for it though and I want my money's worth:-)
On the boat trip: HOW FUN! Think of all the folks you might meet; maybe the music will won't be too loud and you'll like it. ENJOY!

ukrainiac said...

Kate -- I'd go WITH you on board -- it'd be a blast! Sounds like Suzanne would go as well! Party!!

kibbe said...

Ladies, thanks for the comments and encouragements:)
I'm getting ready to go board the boat and there's a little bit of excitement starting....
Suzanne I'll see you in church tomorrow and tell you how it went...Marianna, I'll blog about it tomorrow...I have a feeling there will be things to tell:)

Jeanne said...

I love the story of coffee over the years! Kolya and I have been given the extra coffee pot, it's now sitting in the corner of our new home :) I'm still the only one who knows how to use it :-/ maybe that will change, or maybe it'll be to know that he'll keep me around at least for good coffee :) hehe. We are now buying little bags of random coffees trying to find 'our' brand that we both like! So far, no luck, BUT we know some never to buy again, just plain YUCK! I'm sure the french press is good... I just have never had good coffee from one... maybe because it's a cheap, glass one? Or maybe it's just plain ole bad coffee, haha... I like my drip coffee maker :)

Thanks for the smile this morning when I read your post!

Sue said...

I love you , Kate.

The Holmans In Bolivia said...

You are so right on the French press. It's the best! It's one of the only kitchen things that we brought to Bolivia with us. Joe wouldn't travel without it. Now if we only had some good coffee to put in it. :>) Whoever started that vicious rummor that South America has great coffee needs to be hunted down and forced to drink the Nescafe that they sell here!! Oh, for a Starbucks!


kibbe said...

Love you too Sue:) As well as you other girlfriends...what would we all do without each other? Even if we're all separated by highway miles or even continents (Denise and Marianna) isn't technology a wonderful gift that we're able to keep close and grow friendships even with such distance?

Jeanne said...

Nescafe... YUCK!!! That's what most people drink in Ukraine as well... I'd rather go coffeeless and wait till I get home for REAL coffee!!

"instant" coffee is a lie straight from the pit of hell.

Anna Grace said...

I am in complete agreement with your "lines" examples. Thanks for the input; I was nodding in agreement as I read your words. *chuckle* Lines make things have order and put an edge to certain things. I like how you saw the creative side of liking lines. thanks!

I've never been a real big coffee drinker. So, I know very little about how to make it.

The boat trip sounds...interesting. I think I'd much rather ride in silence and ponder away the moments. I love being on the water. But, I don't know how I'd feel with a band constantly playing. Mmmm.