Monday, October 1

Stars, Crabs and Parsnips

Ah Monday... again. A weekend of excitement has passed... again. The dishes from yesterday are piled high...again. I could wash them now; or I could take a photo. I did wash a cup so I could drink coffee as I write:) Perhaps it's time to let Thom install a dishwasher. Though I don't really believe all of this would fit in one. Maybe we should do as all the newer home remodeling mags do, and install two dishwashers, then we could be really gross and noone would be the wiser (unless I uploaded more evidence).

We had a wonderful meal at Bob and Janna's last night. It was served family style and as the bowl of green veggies came by I passed it on; declaring my freedom from cooked greens at age 46. (I like them fine raw, I just truly strongly dislike them cooked) The roasted parsnips came by. Uh Oh! Really? Can I declare two veggies, at one meal, unedible; as a guest? I started to, but then Janna said they're sweet, like sweet potatoes. Oh? I ask..not turnipy? Oh no, she insists.
I tentatively put a long strip on my plate (which is very bland with its roasted pork loin , roasted potato, and spot of orange with the carrots (2)). Everyone else's plate beams proudly with their greens.
I cut off a very tiny piece of parsnip. I determine to try it while it's still warm so I go with it first. -Doesn't this sound like the actions of a 4 year old? I am very aware of this the entire time-
Have you ever had parsnips? They are fabulous! I'm converted! I know my mother never reads this blog so I'm safe from her I told you so's!!! Gosh all the years of missed parsnips. 46. Just because I thought they would taste like turnips.

~ The night before was Fred and Lex's annual crab feast.
We're delighted to be asked to attend. Thom had to play music in Easton so couldn't accompany me. I go with Beth and Maryanne. Familiar faces are everywhere. A blues band strikes up, and Fred is wandering with bushels of crabs which he harvested that morning. Children are running in and out of tables. You can truly see folks faces and shoulders easing and letting go of the stresses of the previous week.
Inside this home whose walls are covered with books, books and more books (yippee!) are tables which
bring to mind the old term "groaning board".
They look as though they should be swaying under all the weight of the food. There is much to choose from. I avoid all greens and go for many different pasta and grain salads. I grab a giant chocolate cookie now to avoid the loss later (you know they won't last!). We sit at one of the many long picnic tables set before the river and dig in. There's talk, laughter and song. The sun has started setting over the water. How good can life get?
~Before we depart I pull a notebook out of my bag and sit in front of a shelf of books and start writing down titles from bookspines that look like further investigation into them is warranted. My kids have taught me that sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.
~When we leave we walk down a pitch black lane by the light of the stars and moon to our car. Maryanne points out the Big Dipper. I love the deep country, where you can clearly see constellations. I can never find them in our backyard sky.
Whenever I see stars that abundant I am instantly awed and thankful to God, that in the immensity of our galaxy ,when I witness such a sight, I no longer have the feelings of insignifigance that I did in my youth. I don't wonder about my place or my size in scale to the universe. I'm His child. He knows right where I am and what I need at all times. I can glorify Him with the thrill in my heart at such a sight!


faith said...

I wish my dirty dishes looked that classy and fun.

kibbe said...

all I can do is laugh at that Faith:)

ukrainiac said...

Ameen. I love to see the stars when we're out of the city as well. The full moon sure was a sight to behold even within the city limits, I must admit, recently. God is just so amazing...