Thursday, October 11

sleepless musings

It's now 5:07, at 3:38 this morning (thank you digital clocks) I got up for that to familiar walk down the hallway to the bathroom. I was actually smiling as I could feel the temperature had dropped and the wind was blowing in small gusts. " Ah, good sleeping weather", I thought to myself. I moseyed back to bed with that sweet thought of sleep in mind. I slid in gently so not to disturb Thom. He's rolled over to my half of the middle of the bed, thereby taking up all the good window space that I claim as mine, and he claims to dislike because its a.) too uncomfortable in the dip of the middle and b.) directly in front of the open window that he claims makes him stuffed up in the morning. Well, all claims aside, I try and nudge him over a bit as the sky is doing interesting things and I want to see!
First, small white clouds are floating swiftly by in front of a starfilled atmosphere, but wait, let me put my glasses back on because I'm sure I just saw something light up. I did! How is it possible that there is lightning filling the sky, while its clear with stars and just a few wispy clouds? It is lightning, but it can't be heat lightning at this temp can it? There isn't any thunder. There's a dog barking wildly annnnnnd, a man telling him to be quiet. But that guy is whispering very loudly. He doesn't say the dog's name so what if he's a burglar or something worse and not the owner? I'll just push Thom over a little more so I can put my ear against the screen. Nothing. Ooooh...I'm awake now aren't I? This isn't good. Why am I so itchy? I think spiders are biting me in my sleep every night. I need to find a copy of Charlotte's Web and see what season she had all her babies cause I've been seeing an abundance of them lately.
More Lightning. Still no thunder.
Why is that Thom's arm feel like lead weight when he drapes it over my waist at night? Oh, it would be like lead weight then wouldn't it? I move it off. I'm not going to get back to sleep:( I want to get back to sleep. What is that rattling on the far window? This breeze is wonderful. Maybe I should just get up. I think I hear squirrels in the attic. What if they climb down the walls and in through the hole in the kitchen ceiling where we changed light fixtures around!? Thom needs to close that tomorrow. But how? I don't want a scrap of wood on my ceiling. Maybe I could nail a framed picture on the ceiling. That would be ridiculous!That's night terrors speaking. Don't some people get their best ideas in the middle of the night...that couldn't have been one.
There's the garbage truck. I know Jedd didn't put out the kitchen trash. Should I get up and run for it? No, I'd probably step in one of Eli's lawn ornaments. That would be sad.
I'll get up, but not for the trash. I've passed the point of no return for sleep. Decaf coffee would be good. then there's a chance for a late morning nap. I'll blog...I'll share my sleeplessness with my friends. Maybe Marianna and /or Jeanne are awake in the Ukraine and we can talk through comments. I miss them. I miss sleep....


ukrainiac said...

We were definitely up...but studying Ukrainian at that point. Lessons with Jeanne on Mondays and Thursdays and an additional lesson for the slow learner (that would be me!) on Tuesdays. What a thrill to see my name on someone else's blog...I'm not forgotten!

Hope to get Jeanne and Kolya to the States for a quick visit...maybe in August. Can we take a raincheck on the outside fire?

kibbe said...

Like any of us could ever forget you! We can take a raincheck on the fire even if it's 95 degrees, we'll just scoot our chairs backa bit more!

Jeanne said...

I would have loved to comment chat with you... but had no internet... the next two weeks I should SO I'll check back to see if there was any early morning posts :)

faith said...

Yeah, I hate when I get up and then something happens and I can't get back to bed. I miss sleep to. I love reading your blog. It is so cozy.

kibbe said...

Ah Faith, you are so encouraging and kind with your words...thanks:)