Monday, November 19

Inherent Tidiness

I struggle mightily with a dustcloth and cleaning products as you may have noticed in previous posts. So the scene I saw when I passed Jedd's room this weekend struck me as being very humorous.

I should back up over 11 years to minutes after the boy's birth. I looked at him for the first time and thought he looked just like a miniature version of my brother Chris. Both of my brothers are oddly tidy men and have been since boyhood. They shared a bedroom growing up and I have no recollection of that room ever being a mess. My room on the other hand, which I never shared, was always a wreck! I mean appalling. I'd be sent to clean it and would go up with every intention of doing so, but as soon as I saw a book anywhere, under the bed, in the closet, that I hadn't seen in a while, I was lost into it for hours. Nothing got done. Clothes were piled everywhere. I'd wake at night and know intellectually that that was not a giant grizzly bear sitting at my desk at one in the morning, but I'd bear it (no pun intended) for about 5 minutes, then count to ten and run down the hall to my mom's room where I'd fly through the air from her doorway to her bed, so the bed goblins couldn't get my feet and send her jolting awake by the bounce I made when I landed on her bed. She was usually a good sport about it I must say. I only stopped this ritual at the age of 12 1/2 when she re-married.

So back to this past weekend. Thom took the kids away for a retreat at a resort in Northeast Md for a night. I was blissfully alone in my house for the first time in about 20 years. I did nothing. I thought about calling girlfriends and organizing a night out, but then realized that I wanted to sit in peace in my house...and enjoy the solitude. It was really....good.

I watched a netflix movie which was very sweet and I highly recommend called, " Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont". It's about an elderly lonely woman (Joan Plowright) is befriended by a young writer (Rupert Friend) in London. I was sobbing at the end so have tissues at hand if you decide to watch it. I thought about watching it over again right away I enjoyed it so much; but then I thought "no, I can go read in bed as late as I'd like without guilt of keeping my hard-working, early-rising husband awake with the light." So that is what I did.

But when I went upstairs to read in bed I passed Jedd's bedroom. And this is what I saw....

He "made" his chair, as if it were a real bed, before he went away. His entire room was clean.
He has a very nice loft bed which sqeaks any time he moves. He slept in it for about a month and then took to sleeping in this chair and ottoman instead for the past 5 months or so. But usually he makes it a chair by day. Now, apparently he's decided to let the world know that it is now a bed. If anyone wants a relatively new loft bed and mattress I have one available.

I have never made the kids make their beds, ever. They know how to do it and if they want to they can. I do it when I change the sheets. Sometimes I get on a kick, especially if I have new sheets or pillows and make it every day for a few weeks. Otherwise one of us shakes out the blankets and spreads them into the air so they land nicely over the bed and we climb in. I love a freshly made bed, it's just not high on my daily priority list.
It's interesting to me mainly how Jedd is a tidy little creature, (mainly in his own room it doesn't seem to spill over into public areas) just like my brothers. Thom isn't. It isn't natural to my daughters, though they both seem more organized in their chaos than I was or am.
My sister shares in my cleaning disability. We both try very hard to keep our homes clean and they are relatively so. Don't be afraid to come eat here. We vaccuum and wash floors and toilets and counters. It just doesn't come natural to us. But the homes we grew up in were always clean. My mother has the gift of keeping a clean house and I don't ever remember seeing her do it. I can't remember seeing her clean a toilet or a floor once in my whole life but it was always done. Our home was aways beautifully decorated and clean enough for a magazine to show up and do a photo-op at any time. I don't remember dust bunnies in any room but my own. I'm going to have to ponder this more... I'm intrigued by how this was accomplished....


Anonymous said...

Funny how the kiddies are "born" with traits we don't seem to possess.
Right now, Linnea is discovering that Ben is the "rug straightener". He has some sense of cleanliness and organization(appreciated by former roommates). We called him our "rug straightener" because we found that if we ruffled the fringe on the rug, he would come by and HAVE to straighten it:-)(Little OCD in there that mom doesn't have).
My room growing up sounds like yours Kibbe. It was LEGENDARY:-) But the Lord has changed me in many ways. Though I struggle with cleanliness and organization, I desire it now and even enjoy an orderly house.

Anonymous said...

Tips from the ages:
"Five minutes at the end of the day picking up gives the next day a fresh start". Mother-in-law(whose OCDs days fell apart and she lives in total chaos)
"House work is my only exercise" Holly Adams
"Make your head save your feet" My Nana
"Making your bed makes the whole bedroom look neat, even if it's not"-Nana again(she was neat, but only had one kid)

Sue said...

I never made the kids make beds either. I also have a cleaning disability. I desire neatness; it makes me feel calmer, but to get there and STAY there is about impossible. I can't stand that the house will be completely neat and clean....for about 1 hour. UGH. I always wanted an "Alice" (live-in housekeeper, Brady Bunch); I thought if I had her, I could spend so much more quality time with the kids, reading, going places, playing...oh well. I must be content in all things; God doeth all things well.

Sue said...

I am actually not disabled, I am lazy. sigh

Jeanne said...

riverrat, I love the "rug straightener" name :) Anna would be that one in our family!!!

I, for some reason, am more 'tidy' when I have less of my own stuff with me :) like, housesitting for 3 months, it was always clean and tidy BUT it was just me... I have been blessed with a husband who knows how and does clean!! I'm looking forward to seeing how our lives mesh and what our home might look like in another 20+ years!

My room has been a mess since I got back from America... but an organized mess! Partly because of wedding planning, packing up stuff that I can, school work, etc...

kibbe said...

I'd take Alice, Hazel, Rosie the robot from The Jetsons...any of them would be fabulously wonderful additions to the family!

Anna P said...

Thanks for acknowledging that fact, Jeanne. It came back to bite me in the rear many a time. I was also the one who would want to go to bed much earlier... but guess who's clean room was always chosen to be home to the guests coats? Guess who's room was always where the guests stayed? When Jeanne and I shared a room, I remember having to draw a line so her mess wouldn't be confused with my cleanliness... it still goes to this day... every morning my bed is made, dishes washed after using them ect. Too bad my flatmate isn't like that or we'd have the cleanest place in Nepal!

Sue said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like you might get to see one of you all!

faith said...

Thanks so much for my Dr. Suess candles!! I am so happy! I love them so much. WOOHOO!!! I love love love love them. Thank you thank you thank you! And thank you for making stove top stuffing and all that wnderful food. Yummy! I can't wait until easter!

linnea said...

oh Mrs. Kate! this post makes me very happy because I see myself in practically everything you wrote. And it just encourages me because I think you are wonderful and great and if that's where I am headed too, than I am lucky!

kibbe said...

Faith:I'm so very happy you were with us yesterday. It makes me like you even more that a pair of candles and stovetop stuffing can give you such pleasure.

Linnea: you were greatly missed yesterday. I hope your pies were a huge success and that pear-cranberry one sounds like an amazing combination. Isn't marriage the most fun adventure?