Friday, November 9

knitted garments

I love knee socks! I love chilly days with long cozy skirts and cuddly knee socks. Yeah, tights are okay, but knee socks...better. And to top it off a tight-necked sweater turtleneck with a sweater vest over that. I'm snug right now and very pleased with the nippy weather which allows me to dress so. I heard tell there could be a flurry or two. Jedd and I did the happy dance around the living room at the prospect...


Anna P said...
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Anna P said...

I'd LOVE to see the happy dance! Flurries sound absolutely wonderful, no sense in cold weather without some white stuff falling from the skyl

Jeanne said...


We had snow about a week ago. I woke up and went to the kitchen to get my cup of coffee and one for Kolya as well... to my surprise and enjoyment, there was SNOW!!! I took Kolya his coffee and put my mug down as well to give him a big hug and said over and over again, 'it's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing' and was told I had a crazy look in my eye for 7:05AM. heh. Little does he know that that will happen EVERY first snow of the year :) Every time I talked to him that day it started out with reminding him that it had snowed :) SNOW, SNOW, SNOW!!!

kibbe said...

The happy dance is a good one Anna:)
I am the same way about snow with Thom (and the kids) even after 18 years of marriage, I'm a nut to him about the snowfalls...

ukrainiac said...

SNOW is always an announcement in our home: looks like snow...smells like snow...heard it might snow...did you see that's snowing, but not sticking...WAKE UP, IT'S REALLY SNOWING!

Anna Grace said...

Snow is exciting. Especially around here since it is such a rare occurrence. Something flak-ey + tiny was falling from the sky on Friday night for a few seconds. I immediately blurted out "It's snowing!" Elizabeth P and I were coming out of Wal-Mart. She thought I had gone insane. But, I did a hop, skip and a jump and kept a wary eye on the sky. I pointed and shook as I said--YES--look--snow! Finally she agreed that SOMETHING was indeed falling from the sky that was not rain, ice, hail or some miscellanous, strange substance. Which, obviously means it was snow. (: But, just for a few minutes. It was a little strange.

I've always wanted to see people act out the "happy dance." Perhaps you can demostrate how it goes sometime. (:

faith said...

I love knee socks as well!! They are just so darn comfy to wear under pants on cold days!! Either that or stockings. But I prefer knee socks! Woohoo.

PS. I am so glad you are blogging. I love reading your posts.